A Matter of Faith: Tampa Developer Debra Koehler Acquires Church Properties for Two LIHTC Projects

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A Matter of Faith: Tampa Developer Debra Koehler Acquires Church Properties for Two LIHTC Projects

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Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: Sometimes you just don’t know where your next deal – or two – will come from. For Florida developer Debra Koehler, president of Tampa-based Sage Partners, LLC, you might say that the two low-income housing tax credit properties that she’s currently developing were heaven-sent opportunities. They resulted from successful negotiations with two churches.

One deal, Vista 400 (formerly known as Methodist Place), named for its views of downtown Tampa, involves the substantial rehabilitation of a 14-story affordable apartment building for seniors that was acquired from a local Methodist church. The second, Metro 510, also on East Harrison Street, is a new construction project for families being built on a vacant site acquired – along with the church itself – from a separate church, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Read More…

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