A Smoking Good Idea Old Cigar Factory Being Transformed Into Neighborhood Services Hub

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, December 2010: In a multi-ethnic corner of recession-ravaged Detroit, a local nonprofit is renovating an historic building originally used as a cigar factory into a modern health and services center for low-income families. This is an example of the power and flexibility of the federal new markets tax credit program to lift up under-served communities.

Southwest Housing Solutions Corporation (SWHS) began development of the Family Wellness Center in March. “We hope to move our first tenants in December, and to have the entire project occupied by February 2011 for the remaining tenants,” says project manager Janay Mallett, of SWHS.

SWHS is one arm of parent Southwest Solutions, a nonprofit that through different branches provides a multitude of services benefiting low-income individuals and families, including the homeless, in Southwest Detroit, such as health care, housing, and counseling. Read More…