Back to the Basics: Compliance Is More Critical Than Ever in Tax Credit Projects

1 min read

Back to the Basics: Compliance Is More Critical Than Ever in Tax Credit Projects

0 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, September 2011: The types of non-compliance that experts are seeing in low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) properties these days really haven’t changed much. But there appear to be some new twists and trends, underscoring the importance of having an effective compliance system for these kinds of properties.

“If I were to look at a Top 10 list of compliance problems from five years ago, it probably wouldn’t change much; maybe the order would change a little bit,” says LIHTC compliance expert A. J. Johnson, president of A. J. Johnson Consulting Services, Inc., Williamsburg, Va. “It’s still student issues and income issues and rent issues.” Read More…

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