HUD Solicits Applications Under Four New Funding Competitions

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Tax Credit Advisor, October 2009: HUD Solicits Applications Under Four New Funding CompetitionsThe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is soliciting applications for millions of dollars under four new funding competitions. Applications must be submitted electronically, at

Details on each competition are posted at      

These competitions, and the amounts available, are:

  • Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly. Roughly $420.9 million is available for capital advance funds and associated project rental assistance contract (PRAC) funds, for projects that will provide supportive housing for very low-income persons 62 or older. Eligible activities are new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition (with or without rehab). Eligible applicants are private nonprofits and nonprofit consumer cooperatives. Application deadline: 11/13/09.
  • Section 811 Housing for Persons With Disabilities. About $90.6 million is available for capital advance funds and associated PRAC funds, for projects that will provide supportive housing for very low-income persons 18 years or older who have disabilities. Eligible activities include new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition (with or without rehab). Eligible applicants are nonprofit Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Application deadline: 11/16/09.
  • Multifamily Housing Service Coordinators. Approximately $90 million is available for grants. Of this, $20 million is to fund new Service Coordinator programs in eligible multifamily assisted projects, and $70 million to fund one-year extensions of expiring Service Coordinator grants or to continue existing Congregate Housing Services Program grants. The Service Coordinators Program provides funding to hire and support service coordinators in HUD-insured or -assisted multifamily housing developments designed for and occupied by elderly residents or nonelderly disabled residents. Service coordinators are social service persons hired by a project’s owner or management company that help residents obtain the supportive services they needto live independently. Eligible applicants: Owners of projects insured or assisted under HUD’s Section 202 Direct Loan, project-based Section 8 (including Moderate Rehabilitation), Section 221(d)(3) below-market interest rate, or Section 236 programs. At least 25% of a project’s residents must be frail/at-risk elderly tenants and/or non-elderly disabled tenants. Application deadline: 11/5/09.
  • Assisted Living Conversion Program. Up to $20 million is available for grants to help finance the entire or partial physical conversion of eligible HUD-assisted multifamily housing projects to assisted living facilities. This includes funding for the conversion of individual housing units in projects as well as related common and services space. Assisted living facilities are designed to accommodate frail elderly persons and disabled persons who need certain support services to assist them with daily living. Eligible applicants: Private nonprofit owners of eligible HUD projects (Section 202 Direct Loan, Section 202 capital advance with PRAC, Rural Development Section 515 with Section 8 rental assistance, Section 221(d)(3) below-market interest rate, Section 236. Application deadline: 11/5/09.
  • Continuum of Care Funds. In a separate notice, HUD has issued instructions to potential applicants for approximately $1.43 billion in competitive funds that will be made available at some future point under the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs. The notice explains how to register to be notified when the funds become available, and provides other details. (