Orchestrating Opportunities: Larry Curtis Creates Housing Through Diverse Deals

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, June 2011: Larry Curtis, the mustachioed president and managing partner of WinnDevelopment, likens the role of a developer to a musical conductor.

“What I like about being a developer is you get to invent deals. You’re the orchestra leader that doesn’t necessarily know how to play all the instruments. But you can coordinate a team that starts with an idea and ends up with a development.

“For instance, you can take an historic development, some vacant blighted mill building with busted windows that hasn’t been occupied in 40 years, and turn it into a community where people live. And it has a positive impact on their lives.”

Curtis oversees the development of a wide variety of housing projects: affordable rentals, using the federal low-income housing tax credit and other resources; market-rate rentals; mixed-income; and the occasional hotel or medical building. Many projects utilize historic tax credits.

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