Tax Credit Advisor Article Archives

The Diversification Strategy: Tom Capp and Gorman & Company Develop a Variety of Projects, Tap Different Funding Sources

7 min read

The way that Tom Capp and Gorman & Company, Inc. approach the development of multifamily rental housing, historic preservation, and mixed-use real estate projects is to always be on the lookout – for new opportunities, funding sources, and lessons.

Resident Services: Are Your Property’s Services Hitting the Mark?

6 min read

Great resident services are good business at Crest Avenue Apartments, in Charleroi, Pa., a community south of Pittsburgh.

New Partnership Seeks to Boost FHA Multifamily Risk-Share Activity

3 min read

The U.S. Departments of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development have established a new partnership designed to stimulate greater use of the Federal Housing Administration’s multifamily risk-share loan program and reduce borrowing costs for developers and owners.

Resident Services: More Than Just a Cost Center

3 min read

In order to be competitive for new housing subsidies in most jurisdictions, the implementation of a resident services program is practically a threshold requirement. Of course, funding an effective program is a challenge.

Case Study

Retrofit Loft 27, Lowell, Mass.

4 min read

Boston-based WinnCompanies has cut its electric bill for common areas by 25% at Loft 27, a 173-unit apartment building, as the result of efficiency retrofit and solar projects completed in 2012. The apartment development was created from the adaptive re-use of an historic former mill.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Multi-Investor Fund Activity

4 min read

Boston Capital planned to launch a new national multi-investor fund in July with a projected after-tax IRR to investors of 6.75%, according to Tom Pereira. The fund is expected to close in October.

Creating Opportunities with the Aging Public Housing Portfolio

3 min read

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that the shortfall in federal appropriations for the Public Housing Operating and Capital Funds has created a backlog of more than $25 billion in needed physical improvements to the nation’s 1.2 million public housing units, or roughly $24,000 per apartment.

icon The Guru Is In

Expand RAD now

4 min read

RAD, the public housing Rental Assistance Demonstration is in jeopardy of stalling for want of a simple legislative fix: Passage by Congress of a bill raising the current cap of 60,000 units to at least 185,000, or, better yet, eliminating the cap entirely.

The Big Picture: New Data Sheds Light on NMTC Investments During First Ten Years

5 min read

In the first 10 years of the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program, 8,060 investments totaling $31.1 billion were made in 3,849 businesses and projects throughout the country, according to new data and a companion summary released by the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund.

CDFI Fund Opens 12th NMTC Funding Round

1 min read

On August 5, the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund issued a notice of allocation availability (NOAA) to open the federal new markets tax credit program’s twelfth funding round.

Enhanced Iowa State Historic Credit Program Launches

2 min read

Iowa’s state historic tax credit program has been strengthened and made more predictable for developers by legislative changes that took effect July 1, 2014.

Getting Creative: Washington Area Municipalities Address Housing Needs While Dealing with Federal Cuts

8 min read

In the immediate Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, which has about four million people and high housing costs, local governments are using a variety of approaches to address affordable housing needs even as they differ in their priorities and available resources.

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