Glenn Petherick • 7 min read
Fells Point Station, a new mixed-income, mixed-use real estate project in Baltimore, Md., is a story of history, firsts, and a homecoming of sorts.
Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
This month’s issue explores the extremely specialized and essential field of affordable housing property management. The feature article (Driving the Dollars, p. 24) explains that the recipe for effective property management includes a mix of the right people on staff, strong policies and procedures, low turnover, and good marketing.
Glenn Petherick • 4 min read
Congress appears certain to make further cuts in funding for the federal HOME program and project-based rental assistance for the new fiscal year beginning October 1, based on recent action in the House and Senate on the FY 2015 appropriations bill covering the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Glenn Petherick • 4 min read
Texas officials are preparing for the startup of the state’s new historic rehabilitation tax credit program, which industry participants suggest should be attractive to developers.
Glenn Petherick • 6 min read
San Antonio developer Dan Markson expects many positive things if local Mayor Julián Castro becomes the next HUD Secretary, having witnessed the results of his administration’s policies since 2009 in housing, downtown redevelopment, and other areas. City officials who have worked with the mayor feel the same.
Glenn Petherick • 4 min read
For an outright sale, such as in the case of one management company planning to acquire another, the two common valuation methods are the income and market approaches. Under each there are two subsets.
Glenn Petherick • 2 min read
On May 22, U.S. Reps. Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio) and Richard Neal (D-Mass.), of the House Ways and Means Committee, introduced H.R. 4717, a bill that would renew and make permanent a minimum 9% rate for the 70% present value federal low-income housing tax credit. The minimum 9% rate lapsed December 31, 2013.
Timothy Leonhard • 6 min read
In my April column, I discussed the status of proposals to dismantle or significantly restructure Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs).
Glenn Petherick • 5 min read
The investment of a mere $1.25 million in energy and water retrofit improvements at a 91-year-old, 16-story mixed-use building in downtown Pittsburgh, Pa. is already generating substantial savings from reduced utility costs, while providing more comfortable living conditions for the residents.
Glenn Petherick • 7 min read
The National Council of Housing Market Analysts (NCHMA) is undertaking new initiatives as it continues its rebranding campaign to expand the organization’s mission and activities.
A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Mental health experts estimate that about 15 million Americans are compulsive hoarders. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association announced that compulsive hoarding is now considered a mental disability.
Glenn Petherick • 2 min read
State allocating agencies are well along in committing their 2014 low-income housing tax credits and at least one-fifth have awarded at least some of their 2015 credits as well, according to responses to an early May survey by Tax Credit Advisor.