Tax Credit Advisor Article Archives

Four other shoes

4 min read

In 1900, if you lived in a New York tenement, your bedroom was usually right below that of your upstairs neighbor. When he removed his heavy shoes late at night, you’d hear the two muffled thumps clearly through your ceiling – first one, then the second. Any delay between thumps might keep you awake, wondering what had happened above you.

Green Retrofits: Opportunities for Savings, Promising New Initiatives

20 min read

When it comes to green retrofits of existing affordable multifamily rental housing properties to reduce energy and water consumption and costs, the good news is there are well-established procedures on how to approach these jobs and numerous industry and governmental initiatives that promise significant further advances.

The Time Bomb That Ticks No More: GSEs’ LIHTC Portfolios Shrink

4 min read

The possibility that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might dump a massive volume of existing low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) investments into the market at some point in a fire sale is virtually non-existent now, even with their return to substantial profitability and various legislative proposals calling for phasing out the two mortgage companies.

Energy Efficiency Case Studies: A Variety of Approaches

8 min read

Owners and property managers are taking different approaches to incorporating energy and water efficiency features in affordable multi- family rental housing, particularly in retrofits of existing projects. A look at four organizations around the country illustrates this.

Energy Audits: The Steps and Content

5 min read

An energy audit, an assessment of the energy needs and efficiency of a building or group of buildings, can be informative for an affordable multifamily rental housing development as well as provide a roadmap for the most cost-effective improvements to make.

City Gardens: A Potential Model for Stand-Alone Green Retrofits

5 min read

A demonstration project making major energy and water efficiency improvements at a 274-unit affordable multifamily rental housing development in southern California is a possible model for other similar “stand-alone” green retrofit jobs.

Dig This: Historic Former Shovel Factory Is Renovated to Create Unique Apartment Community

7 min read

In North Easton, Mass., 30 miles south of Boston, Beacon Communities LLC has created a unique mixed-income apartment community through the rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of eight historic buildings dating between 1852 and 1928 that were once part of the Ames Shovel Works factory complex.

Water Efficiency Improvements: A Good Place to Start

6 min read

Water conservation improvements are generally the least expensive and most cost-effective retrofit improvements that owners can make at their existing affordable multifamily rental housing properties to cut utility usage and costs, according to sources. Moreover, sometimes improvements can be funded with no upfront cost to owners.

A Potential Step Forward: Rating Affordable Housing Providers

6 min read

In March 2013, the Housing Partnership Network released a set of proposed affordable housing reforms that included a recommendation to “create a rating system for affordable housing providers.”

Pittsburgh’s Thriving Downtown: New Markets Tax Credits Drive New Mixed-Use Real Estate Project Rising on Market Square

7 min read

On Forbes Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh, just blocks from where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers join to form the Ohio, a Western Pennsylvania company is developing a nearly $105 million mixed-use real estate project that will further revitalize the city’s central business and retail district as a vibrant place to live, work, and play.

Getting to Yes

3 min read

Recently I was speaking with a prominent California-based developer about potential topics for NH&RA’s annual West Coast jaunt – the Spring Developers Forum, to be held this year on May 19-20 in Marina del Rey, Calif.

Utility Allowances Online: Indiana Housing Agency Moves to Develop Innovative Calculator

4 min read

Indiana’s state housing finance agency is taking action to develop an online calculator for generating more accurate utility allowances for rental units in more energy- and water-efficient multifamily housing projects.

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