Kaitlyn Snyder • 2 min read
In a financial environment that is challenging for getting deals to the closing table, all sorts of structures that might generate additional proceeds need to be considered.
Michael Fellerman & Robert Box • 6 min read
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) provides a broad range of new incentives to install solar energy equipment, many of which are available to Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects and some that are uniquely available for affordable housing.
Pamela Martineau • 7 min read
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC), approved by Congress in 2000, is a critical element of financing for community projects and businesses in distressed communities.
Jessica Hoefer • 3 min read
George Orwell said, “Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.”
Darryl Hicks • 12 min read
Sharon Wilson Géno, President, National Multifamily Housing Council
Mark Fogarty • 5 min read
Sustainability has become a key concept for affordable housing, charging to the forefront of the industry in recent years, and it’s not just because climate change is mandating the most efficient energy usage at projects.
Abram Mamet • 7 min read
Today’s solar power systems are cheaper to build and more efficient than ever.
Ravi Malhotra • 3 min read
One of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) most significant budget items is the money for tax credits, which could ultimately be worth over $500 billion.
Nushin Huq • 10 min read
In August, the Department of Housing and Urban Development began its first round of public housing inspections under a new, more stringent model, which aims to prioritize health and safety and correct any functional defects in housing.
Kaitlyn Snyder • 3 min read
Property managers are often asked to wear many hats: owners’ representative, rent collector, social worker, maintenance coordinator, event planner and building/systems expert, just to name a few. It’s a complex, multi-faceted job that I have immense respect for, especially as they served on the front lines during the pandemic and continue to adapt to a dramatically shifting landscape.
Stephanie Naquin • 5 min read
The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) introduces significant changes to many aspects of multifamily programs through amendments to certain sections of the United States Housing Act of 1937.
Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
A project under construction now in Denver will provide 56 affordable apartments for formerly homeless young adults aged 18 to 24, as well as those “aging out” of foster care.