Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, August 2010: Internal Revenue Service agents are conducting a greater volume of audits of tax returns for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) issues.
Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
The Internal Revenue Service has issued favorable new guidance for the federal new markets tax credit program, including clearing a roadblock to the entry of individuals as investors.
Caitlin Jones • 2 min read
In what could be a new trend, some new affordable rental housing deals without low-income housing tax credits have attracted corporate investors interested in purchasing the tax losses.
Caitlin Jones • 4 min read
Nowhere is the multifamily owner’s uncertainty greater than in green or energy conservation improvements. We’ve all been offered green roofs, electrochromic glass, and on-site wind turbines à all with vendor promises of future energy savings.
Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
Developers and owners may be overlooking a valuable federal tax deduction for energy-efficient systems installed in their buildings, according to officials at Engineered Tax Services, an engineering firm headquartered in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Caitlin Jones • 5 min read
Usually a tax credit project generates local economic activity and jobs. In one case in Greensboro, N.C., it has preserved a chapter in history as well.
Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
At press time, Congress still had not net completed approval of the tax extenders bill (H.R. 4213). In May, leading lawmakers forged a compromise bill for votes on final passage. But cost concerns led the House to modify and trim the package before approving an amended version on May 28.
Caitlin Jones • 5 min read
The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition recognized winners of the 16th Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards at a Capitol Hill luncheon ceremony on June 2 in Washington, D.C.
Caitlin Jones • 4 min read
By Thom Amdur, NH&RA
August is always slow for Congressional watchers, but especially so this election year. Complicated by extreme partisanship, many key pending Congressional initiatives critical to our industry, including tax extenders legislation and small business legislation, are in limbo. With few legislative days left before the November elections, critical housing legislation may not be passed before then ““ or even in a lame duck session.
Caitlin Jones • 7 min read
Woodbridge at Parkway Village, a new solar-powered affordable senior rental development under construction near Atlanta, Ga., embodies the twin spirits of pioneering and determination.
Caitlin Jones • 2 min read
State housing credit agencies have awarded more than $3 billion so far in federal Section 1602 exchange funds to affordable rental housing projects, with a little more than tenth this amount not yet awarded, according to responses to a May survey by the Tax Credit Advisor.
Caitlin Jones • 4 min read
The project is nearly finished. The construction loan is exhausted, and most of the trades have not been paid for months. Sounds like the perfect path to Foreclosure City, right? Not quite.