Caitlin Jones • 8 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, October 2009: It’s a time of change for the historic rehabilitation tax credit sector.
The economic downturn is responsible for many of the changes rippling through the industry. Major banks, the predominant investors in historic credits and a key source of conventional debt financing, have in many instances seen their profits and tax shelter needs fall.
Caitlin Jones • 2 min read
In response to adverse market conditions, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is making it possible for developers of stalled, partially built multifamily housing projects to apply for FHA mortgage insurance.
Caitlin Jones • 2 min read
The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) has retained a team of private practitioners to develop a proposal for changes to the state’s low-income housing tax credit.
Caitlin Jones • 5 min read
In a victory for a New Orleans developer and the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, the Internal Revenue Service has issued a private letter ruling authorizing three buildings that are part of a single redevelopment project to be treated as one for purposes of meeting a key income test under the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program.
Caitlin Jones • 3 min read
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is soliciting applications for millions of dollars under four new funding competitions.
Caitlin Jones • 6 min read
An avid bike rider, Midwest tax credit developer Rob McCready is pedaling faster than ever in his day job.
Caitlin Jones • 10 min read
What’s ahead for the federal housing, historic, and new markets tax credit industries in the next year? The next five years? Will they have different investors, new project characteristics? Will they still exist? In recent interviews, industry participants and observers offered their predictions for the future of these sectors.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Kim Fry has joined the Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition as Executive Director.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
The Internal Revenue Service has announced the allocation of $4.61 million in unused low-income housing tax credits to 29 states from the 2009 “national pool.”
Caitlin Jones • 6 min read
The federal government has issued new guidance and a policy change for two new programs designed to assist stalled low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects, as the first dollars prepared to flow to developers from state housing credit agencies.
Caitlin Jones • 2 min read
New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal has released its proposed 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.
Caitlin Jones • 5 min read
Putting together successful rural and small low-income housing tax credit projects is particularly difficult today. These deals typically have large funding gaps and aren’t attractive to most tax credit syndicators and investors.