Tax Credit Advisor Article Archives

HUD Publishes Amendments to M2M Program

& 1 min read

HUD on 11/26/07 published a final rule, effective 12/26/07, to implement a number of changes to its Mark-to-Market (M2M) Program.

House Passes Section 202 Legislation

& 1 min read

The House of Representatives on 12/5/07 passed a bill (H.R. 2930) designed to expand the production and rehabilitation of supportive rental housing for very low-income seniors under the Section 202 program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Massachusetts Governor Files Housing Bond Bill

& 1 min read

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) has filed a bill for a proposed $1.1 billion bond issue to fund the development and preservation of affordable housing and community development projects in the state over the next five years.

Michigan Approves 2008-2009 QAP

& 1 min read

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority on 12/6/07 adopted its 2008-2009 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit program.

New NMTC Funding Round to Open

& 1 min read

AS THE Tax Credit Advisor went to press in mid-December, the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund was about to open the next funding round for the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC).

Tax Credit Project Damaged by Fire During Construction Offers Lessons in Recovery, Transaction Structuring

& 10 min read

IN REAL ESTATE PROJECTS using federal tax credits, most eyes are focused on structuring the transaction, building the project, and setting up mechanisms to ensure adequate compliance during the recapture period.

HUD, ACHP Hold Event to Promote Compatibility of Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing

& 3 min read

THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) recently held a symposium to promote the idea that historic preservation can be compatible with the preservation of affordable housing.

Equity Market Rife With Uncertainties; Higher Yields, Lower Prices Seen in 2008

& 13 min read

DEVELOPERS SHOULD PREPARE FOR reduced low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) prices in 2008, because of various factors that have created uncertainty in the equity market, according to participants interviewed by the Tax Credit Advisor.

AHIC Elects New Officers, Board Members

& 1 min read

Members of the Affordable Housing Investors Council (AHIC) elected new officers for 2008, and new board members, at their 2007 Annual Meeting in mid-October in Scottsdale, AZ.

Milwaukee’s Economy on the Grow; Strong Demand for Affordable Housing

& 8 min read

BOTH IN SUPPLY AND demand, Milwaukee continues to be a vibrant market for tax credit housing. Contrary to many other “Rust Belt” cities, Milwaukee appears to be on the grow from an increasing numbers of jobs and a resurgent economy.

Coalition Expects to Pursue Legislative Relief on Audit Issue

& 4 min read

AFTER AN UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT to win regulatory relief from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a coalition of housing groups now expects to pursue passage of federal legislation to ease stricter new audit requirements for certain lowincome housing tax credit (LIHTC) partnerships.

HUD Lifts Previous Cap on Voucher Rents for Certain LIHTC Units

& 2 min read

THE U.S. Department on Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on 11/19/07 published a final rule in the Federal Register that lifts a previous limitation that restricted the HUD Section 8 project-based voucher rent to the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) rent for units assisted by vouchers and credits.

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