Tax Credit Advisor Article Archives

NH&RA 2018 Vision Awards

2 min read

Each year since 2004, NH&RA has bestowed its Affordable Housing Vision Award to affordable housing and community development leaders who have made significant and valuable contributions to the field and demonstrated years of leadership, commitment and imagination.

Case Study

Multi-Credit My Old Kentucky Dome

7 min read

A $32 million renovation of an old courthouse in Lexington, KY, using both State and Federal Historic Tax Credits, has converted an 120-year-old structure into a beautiful multi-use boon to downtown redevelopment – and also righted a spectacular architectural fail from 50 years ago when a beautiful interior dome was sealed off and turned into an HVAC closet.

John Gahan, Sullivan & Worcester

7 min read

If you’re looking for one word to summarize John W. Gahan III’s approach to affordable housing—and virtually every other important aspect of his life—that word would be teamwork.

Housing USA: Baltimore

6 min read

During an era of urban renaissance, and while sitting within one of America’s most prosperous regions, Baltimore has managed to become the nation’s biggest tragedy.

Housing Affordability Includes Commuting Costs

& 6 min read

Rental-housing affordability is a serious issue for many essential moderate-income (“workforce”) workers – especially in more affluent population centers.

icon The Guru Is In

A value proposition for intermediaries

5 min read

To stay profitable, an intermediary (syndicator, CDFI, mortgage originator, donor/technical assistance provider, development consultant) always has to have its own proprietary value proposition – a statement we make about ourselves that, if believed to be true, leads inevitably to the conclusion, ‘Do business with us’.

Bill McGonagle, Boston Housing Authority

7 min read

William “Bill” McGonagle literally has spent nearly his entire life involved with public and affordable housing.

New Developments: Telling Our Story

3 min read

There are many reasons why the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) have endured politically and produced or preserved so many affordable units and historic structures.

icon Blueprint for October


3 min read

The word that stands out throughout this issue is community. We didn’t plan it that way. But in stories devoted to a wide range of subjects, including multi-credit deals, Opportunity Zones, state funding for housing and even NH&RA’s 2018 Vision Award honorees, the concept of community demanded attention.

icon Blueprint for September

Solving Problems

3 min read

We may call it work, but for many of you it is really daily problem solving.

The Land of OZ

7 min read

Much of the excitement associated with the 2017 Tax Act was due to the large corporate tax cuts. Far less notice was accorded new sections 1400Z-1 and 1400Z-2 of the Internal Revenue Code: They provide a broad incentive based on the concept of “qualified Opportunity Zones.”

Housing USA: The complexity of urban inequality

5 min read

By the reckoning of today’s pundits, wealth inequality is one of the seminal problems of our time. It has been called a “moral issue” by Bernie Sanders.

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