Tax Credit Advisor Article Archives

Talking Heads: Brian Montgomery, The Collingwood Group & Former FHA Commissioner

10 min read

Imagine the confusion if the bosses of the company you worked for changed every four to eight years, while most of the rest of the staff remained.

Housing USA: Los Angeles

6 min read

Los Angeles, CA—Los Angeles is, by some metrics, America’s homeless capital. It has a county-wide nightly unsheltered population of roughly 82,000, including 13,000 who are chronically homeless.

Our Renters’ Stories

10 min read

Each subsequent presidential administration brings a new and differing set of priorities. With the current one clearly focused on lowering taxes, building infrastructure, fighting terrorism and everything having to do with immigration, affordable housing is not likely to reach the top of the to-do list.

Life’s Lessons

12 min read

On stage to debate for the Republican nomination for president were 16 people who thought they had to outshout each other—and one who obviously wanted to be the softest. Many needed to out-insult each other—and one felt compelled to show respect.

icon The Guru Is In

Bringing School Home

6 min read

Because the cycle of poverty is generational, to break it we must adopt a generational approach, enlisting the whole family so that those who are older can help those who are younger aspire to, and achieve, more than their parents did.

Case Study

CASE STUDY: Dominium Saves St. Louis’ Giant Arcade

7 min read

There’s a reason the Arcade Building stood empty for more than 30 years. Bringing the landmark back to life took more than a dozen separate funding sources.

Up on Nixon Peabody’s Roof

7 min read

On a cold day last December, I stood on the roof of the Washington, DC building where the Nixon Peabody law firm has its DC headquarters with partners Jeff Lesk and Herb Stevens gazing at the expanse of empty roofs and imagining the possibilities.

Baltimore’s Project CORE Clears the Way

6 min read

A bulldozer tore into the brown bricks of Madison Park North apartments on December 9.

icon Blueprint for March


4 min read

Transitions are times of anxiety and uncertainty. We know what we have, but we don’t know what we are going to get. Patience is probably the best antidote. It is difficult to anticipate outcomes. But that is not going to stop us.

icon Blueprint for February

What’s in your tool box?

3 min read

During the past couple of years, we have reported frequently in these pages on the evolution of the relationship between housing and healthcare.

New Developments, Grabbing This Political Moment

4 min read

It is the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States. As expected, he and the Republican-led 115th Congress are already shaking things up across the board and healthcare reform is front and center.

Using Telehealth

10 min read

Telehealth has become a widely accepted and important component of the overall healthcare structure in the United States.

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