David A. Smith • 4 min read
A few weeks ago at the World Bank’s biannual Global Housing Finance Summit, a conference of roughly 350 housing executives from around the world (mainly from national governments and the Bank itself), I spoke on Financing Housing Down the Income Pyramid, and the ensuing Q&A session produced this challenging question from the audience, “How do we create effective affordable rental tenures?” That choice of words instantly set me thinking, and in formulating my answer, I stumbled on the right way to frame the question.
Marty Bell • 13 min read
Success has its costs. As portfolios grow, so do expenses, staff and responsibilities. Assets bring great value but come with great demands.
Mark Olshaker • 10 min read
As housing costs increase in communities throughout the country, the need for workforce housing has emerged as a frequent topic of conversation. But a precise definition of what it encompasses seems to vary according to the locality.
Thom Amdur • 3 min read
The annual Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalitions “Edson” Awards Luncheon on Capitol Hill is named for LIHTC founding-father, Chuck Edson, honors outstanding examples of affordable housing around the country and in doing so raises the program’s profile amongst key legislators.
Mark Olshaker • 4 min read
The Seattle-Puget Sound region has become one of the most attractive in the nation: a combination of expansive natural beauty, a healthy lifestyle culture, a vibrant, interesting, accessible downtown, a center for high-tech opportunity and entrepreneurship, and a mecca for Millennials. Oh, and there’s all the coffee. But with that popularity spread over so wide a geographical area, the twin challenges of transportation and affordable housing become almost inevitable.
Darryl Hicks • 10 min read
For over 30 years, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) has provided retirement security for millions of union members and their pension plans, while simultaneously expanding the supply of affordable housing, creating family-supporting union jobs, opening doors to homeownership for working families, and revitalizing communities across the nation where union members live and work.
Bendix Anderson • 6 min read
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) now rewards energy-efficient properties and affordable housing communities with lower interest rates and other incentives.
Mark Olshaker • 10 min read
Which of the following is most critical for improving and stabilizing the lives of low-income and homeless individuals and families?
David A. Smith • 5 min read
Congressman Steve Pearce (R-NM-2): Mr. Russ, can you tell me what rates of return [LIHTC] investors are looking at in this market? A lot of money sits idle, desperately looking for return.
Joel Swerdlow • 8 min read
Alabama’s state legislature let its Historic Tax Credit (HTC) expire in May 2016, but the credit’s legislative opponents were telling colleagues it would be reinstated —with the same seven-year extension—later this year or in 2017.
Thom Amdur • 3 min read
Whenever I meet someone new at an NH&RA conference or industry event, I tend to ask them how they came to the affordable housing business. My unscientific poll results indicate that most of us came to the business via circuitous routes. In my own case, if not for a chance meeting at a Rosh Hashanah brunch 12 years ago with our CFO, I would almost certainly be working in healthcare policy.