Possible Gold: LIHTC Development Opportunities in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex

1 min read

TaxCredit Advisor, October 2011:

By Jacob Wahlenmaier and Joseph Mandeville, RED CAPITAL GROUP, LLC

Developers of low-income housing tax credit properties may want to give the Dallas/Fort Worth (D/FW) metropolitan area a closer look. Although current housing credit occupancy rates are moderately below market-rate comparisons, rapidly improving conditions in the conventional property market and near-term economic and demographic expansion are likely to produce increased demand for tax credit rentals, generating attractive opportunities for new construction and rehabilitation projects.

Moreover, current data suggest that recent LIHTC development has not kept pace with the growth in demand for affordable rental units. The near term looks promising for new LIHTC properties in D/FW. However, the Metroplex is a diverse and dynamic market, and site selection and rent advantages are key for sustained success.

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