Prices Stabilize for Historic Tax Credits, Rise for New Markets Credits
By Caitlin Jones
1 min read
Prices Stabilize for Historic Tax Credits, Rise for New Markets Credits
By Caitlin Jones
0 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, September 2011: Pricing seems to have stabilized above one dollar per dollar of tax credit for federal historic rehabilitation tax credits, and has risen for federal new markets tax credits, according to industry sources.
“What we’re having to offer to be successful is a dollar to a $1.08 range for historic-only transactions,” says John Leith-Tetrault, president of the National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC), an arm of the National Trust for Historic Preservation that syndicates both historic and new markets tax credits. He noted an offer in the range of $1.05 is required to land an historic credit-only deal of reasonable size — more than $2 million in historic tax credits. Read More…
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