Rental Policy Realignment: Working Group Releases Proposals
By Caitlin Jones
2 min read
Rental Policy Realignment: Working Group Releases Proposals
By Caitlin Jones
0 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, September 2011: The Obama Administration’s Rental Policy Working Group has released 11 papers proposing ways to better align federal policies, regulations, and procedures governing the development, financing, operation, and compliance monitoring of affordable rental housing properties. In two areas, pilot programs involving state housing finance agencies are getting underway.
The interagency group was created in early 2010 to seek ways for better coordination of federal rental housing policy. In July 2010 it solicited suggestions for improved rental policy coordination from affordable rental housing developers/managers and state/local officials, including for administrative changes to improve the efficiency of programs and reduce burdens. The objective was to seek better alignment of rental policy among the three federal departments with significant affordable housing programs (U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and Treasury), in order to reduce costs and paperwork obligations for property owners, developers, managers, and state/local governments. The Rental Policy Working Group and alignment leaders assembled interagency teams to consider the recommendations. These teams reviewed current policies and, in consultation with state and local agencies and stakeholder groups, identified opportunities for greater federal alignment. Read More…
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