State Agency Roundup

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Tax Credit Advisor, December 2009:

Colorado Releases Draft2010 QAP      

The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) has released a draft 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit program. The draft is subject to modification after consideration of comments from the Tax Credit Advisory Committee and the public, and is subject to review and approval by CHFA’s board of directors. A public hearing on the QAP is scheduled for 12/1/09.

( pdf)

Arizona Releases Draft 2010 QAP      

The Arizona Department of Housing has released the first draft of its 2010 qualified allocation plan for its low-income housing tax credit program. A number of significant changes are proposed in the 2010 draft. Some of these would modify the set-aside categories and fee schedules, eliminate the supplemental allocation set-aside, and add a new point category for projects proposing acquisition, demolition, or new construction of blighted, vacant properties. A public hearing on the QAP is scheduled for 12/9/09 in Phoenix.
