State Briefs

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, August 2009:

Kentucky Soliciting for Market Analysts

The Kentucky Housing Corporation has issued a Request for Qualifications to solicit responses by 8/14/09 from qualified market analysts and/or market analysis firms with experience in income-restricted multifamily properties to provide professional market analysis services to KHC. Responses will be reviewed and qualified respondents included on the list of approved market analysts eligible for selection by multifamily developers working with KHC.


New York Senate Passes Historic Credit Bill

The New York State Senate on 7/16/09 approved a bill (S. 6056) that would enhance the state’s existing tax credit for the rehabilitation of historic commercial buildings. The measure is identical to a bill (A. 9023) approved by the state Assembly in June. For commercial rehabilitations, the legislation would raise the credit percentage to 20%, raise the per-project credit cap to $5 million, limit the credit to distressed areas, and impose a five-year sunset on the program.
