The price of terms

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, May 2011:

“You tell me the price, and  I’ll tell you the terms.”  

– Negotiating posture adopted by a wise old developer

What’s the price?

Ask anyone in the LIHTC world how good a deal they made on their last transaction, and the answer always begins with one simple number: the equity price, measured in cents per dollar of LIHTC. It’s the universal cocktail-reception metric, the opening question to industry-expert panelists, the way we keep score and show we’re in the know: What’s the price?

Prices are quick to say, easy numbers to grasp, instant comparatives that give us the illusion of understanding the marketplace. None of us can perceive “the market” as a totality, so we collect these pointillist bits of data, and from them deduce the market’s structure.

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