The Tax Credit Recycle: Resyndications Are Still Viable But Face Challenges
By Caitlin Jones
1 min read
The Tax Credit Recycle: Resyndications Are Still Viable But Face Challenges
By Caitlin Jones
0 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, August 2011: Resyndications of existing low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects with new tax credits are still occurring, but the pattern is different from a few years back and there are some challenges today, according to executive Stephen Roger of New York-based syndicator Centerline Capital Group.
In a typical resyndication, an existing LIHTC property at or past its original 15-year tax credit compliance period is sold or transferred to a new tax credit partnership for renovation and recapitalization with a fresh batch of housing tax credits. Often the original general partner will stay on as the GP in the new partnership.
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