Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
Mercy Housing has a big footprint, with properties in 33 states and five regions of the country. The affordable housing nonprofit also has a big footprint in the lives of the occupants of those properties, with an extensive, diverse resident services effort that targets five different areas to make a big positive impact on their lives.
Mark Fogarty • 5 min read
With CompassionCare, resident services are very much hands-on. You might see registered nurse Adam Sebek, for example, dash out of Park View Terrace Apartments to pick up an urgent prescription for one of the residents at the 120-unit property himself. The pharmacy isn’t far. It is in a mall right across the street from the Moorhead, MN affordable seniors/disabled development.
Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
A small city, or even a small town, doesn’t have to have a small housing footprint. Cases in point: National City, CA, where a tiny staff works on big affordable projects, and Kittery, ME, a place so small it doesn’t have its own housing department but still dreams of attracting tax credit deals.
Mark Fogarty • 5 min read
An idea that got its start at a kick-the-tires session about the future of Indianapolis four years ago has blossomed into an at least $15 million effort to enhance transit-oriented housing development (TOD) along that city’s expanding bus routes.
Mark Fogarty • 5 min read
The urban violence that RYSE Commons is being designed to give its young members refuge from is very real. Some of its early members have not lived to see the Richmond, CA complex completed.
Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
Talk about ambitious. Nashville’s Envision Cayce project is a big, dramatic effort to transform a neighborhood by building more than 2,000 new housing units and supporting facilities like a school, a health center and a pharmacy.
Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
It’s not true that construction is the least digitized niche of the national economy. For instance, Keith Stacker told a recent meeting of top affordable housing executives, agriculture is less digitized than construction. And so is hunting.
Mark Fogarty • 4 min read
Offsite construction is generating a lot of buzz on how it can transform affordable and workforce housing. But some are dreaming even bigger. Could OS create a totally private tax credit market, without the need for public money?
Mark Fogarty • 4 min read
Rick Holliday and his colleagues at Factory_OS aren’t very ambitious. They just want to change the way housing is built in this country.
Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
In Newport, RI, where it often seems easier to park a yacht than a car, you can, and if it is a property dating back to the nineteenth century you can use Historic Tax Credits along with Low Income Housing Tax Credits to help preserve it for its elderly residents.
Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
Piggybacking, layering multiple tax credit awards or other financing sources to make a project work, is a technique familiar to every developer of, and investor in, affordable housing.
Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
Affordable housing developer/owners have something in common when it comes to preserving project affordability: a common problem.