Mark Fogarty Author Archives

Forming Opportunity Funds

7 min read

Funds seeking to take advantage of the new Opportunity Zones are actively forming now and may be deploying money for investments in economically distressed areas by the end of the year.

A Piece of the Action

6 min read

Affordable housing specialist Woda Cooper Companies, Inc. not only has a new name and headquarters, it has a new ownership structure that may become a model for the industry.

Career Gateway

6 min read

Low Income Housing Tax Credit project in Columbus, OH is giving a fresh perspective to the concept of workforce housing.

A Tale of Two Counties

7 min read

Workforce housing is on the minds of the elected officials of Montgomery County, MD even more than it normally is.

Pricing Update: Investors

6 min read

Tax credit pricing has taken a hit, but not a mortal one, with the new 21 percent corporate tax rate, according to investors atttending a recent affordable housing summit held by market analysts.

Pricing Update: State Allocators

6 min read

State tax credit allocators had a glass-half-empty message for housing market analysts at their recent affordable housing summit. But in describing their current robust allocation rounds, the glass seemed half full as well.

Case Study

Kings Ferry

5 min read

What strategies can developers use for successful affordable housing preservation of tax credit properties that have hit the 15-year mark with negative equity?

1,000 RAD Rehabs

7 min read

A hugely ambitious public-private partnership is starting to see some big preservation projects getting finished in Baltimore.

Case Study

CASE STUDY: Precision in Vermont

6 min read

New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) can make a big difference in bolstering rural development and preventing manufacturers from fleeing to greener pastures.

Pension Funds

7 min read

Pension funds have long been the sleeping giants of housing. That’s because while they have a significant share in the sector, real estate is usually a fairly small part of their overall portfolios and so doesn’t loom very large on their radar screens.

Fannie Mae’s New Fund

4 min read

Returning equity investor Fannie Mae doesn’t expect the new changes to the tax code will crimp its return to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit market.

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